Mission Statement
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St. Andrew’s Mission Statement

Our community:

 We are a community of friends with diverse perspectives linked by our quest to understand and to practice the radical love of Jesus.


Our approach:

We choose to approach our tasks with curiosity, creativity and courage in a climate of grace and respect.


Our core values:

  1. Worship needs to provide meaning and beauty. Therefore we are innovative, providing a variety of ways to praise in keeping with the diverse needs in our community.
  2. Music plays a unique role in connecting us to the Holy. Therefore, we are creative with music in every context of our life together providing both variety and high quality.
  3. We are a community of learners seeking to discern the Spirit’s movement in the complexity of daily life. Therefore, our approach to education is varied and creative.
  4. Our example for life and faith is Jesus. Therefore, we will challenge the status quo if we believe that it is contrary to God’s vision of a healthy human community.
  5. Preaching needs to challenge us to think deeply about faith and life in this era. Therefore, we welcome theological enquiry and will provide a safe place for people to exercise their curiosity.
  6. Faith needs to be relevant. Therefore, we provide opportunities for theological debate that empowers us to face the vital issues of our day.
  7. Scripture bears witness to our ancestors in the faith who wrestled with God’s intention for their time and place.  Therefore, we will approach Scripture with curious minds as we seek God’s intention for our time and place.
  8. Leadership needs to be to be courageous and discerning. Therefore, we support experimentation and novel approaches.
  9. Change is inevitable. Therefore we approach change with courage and creativity, trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us.
  10. Diversity is both our church’s reality and God’s gift to human community. Therefore, we celebrate and respect the differences that exist among us.
  11. Our life together is richer when every generation is present. Therefore we find creative ways to nurture and to care for people in the various stages of their life.
  12. Creativity and productivity increases when we practice ministry as a team. Therefore, we engage the variety of gifts in our midst to support our vision and wherever possible seek partnerships with other people, organizations and/or churches who share our values and goals.
  13. We are called to love the world that God loves. Therefore, we use our resources both creatively and courageously to bring hope and healing to a world in need.
  14. Wonder and delight is our response to God’s generous love. Therefore, we will have fun as we journey together.

Our Motto

Following the Christ path with curiosity, creativity and courage!